Thomas Balmès has been working as an independent director and producer of nonfiction films, specializing in international co-productions, since 1992. He has directed films such as Bosnia Hotel, Maharajah Burger; Mad Cows; Holy Cows, and The Gospel According to the Papuans by which he was honored with the Silver Spire Award at the San Francisco International Film Festival.
Below you will find the details about the interview.
YA: "What was the concept behind the creation of the movie BABIES?"
TB: "This movie was inspired around the simple, pure an Innocent life that you see in a child. It took about 5 years in the making and it was in collaboration with another French director. We didn't had any specific agenda and we were looking to produce a feel good, entertaining movie. The selection of the countries was based on diversity and the common link between us all, babies."
YA: "What type of challenges/barriers did you encountered during filming?"
TB: "Location, working on small spaces, patience, language. We received great commitments from the families to allows us being part of their daily routine for a little over a year. As a father, I had to motivate myself to continue with this project as I was away from my own family for a long time. This was an experience of a lifetime that I will always treasure in my heart"
YA: "Is there a sequel planned for the future?"
TB: "Not at this moment. We continue to have a strong relationship with the families as we were with them since their children were born. Who knows what the future might holds."
This movie is about four culturally different babies (Namibia, Mongolia, Japan, San Francisco-CA) during the first year of their lives and we will learn that no matter which part of the world you might live in, babies will always be the same.
I am looking forward to see this movie in theaters across the country (check your local listings) starting May 7.
Enjoy this video from "The Insider" about the movie.