Friday, August 14, 2009

The Beginning of a New Chapter in my Life: Literally!

I've been doing a lot of thinking, almost to the point were I can feel my brain cells dying and slowly disappearing. But it is worth it. Somewhere between, I am busy and I don't have time to do anything to I need to spend sometime with my inner self, it clicked. I am writing a book, well more like a blog. And then the title came clear in my mind: Chronicles of a New Mom: The First Two Years.

As I talk to different moms I realize that I am not alone. That my experiences are similar to other mommies but yet we live in a culture were we are all in our little silos and we don't talk about it. I am going to break that paradigm. This is going to be fun.

So what I'll be doing this weekend? Writing, writing, writing. Heck who knows, I can become famous, not!!!!!!!!!

My goal is to have other mommies learn about other mommies' experiences in a true fun way, telling it as it is. We'll see how it goes.

Wish me luck!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Back on Track

I has been a while since my last post but my life is crazy. No time to post. But isn't the rest of the toddler's moms life's the same way? Sometimes I wonder. I see other moms with 2, 3, 4 kids and I wonder, how the heck they do it? I am struggling with one as it is.

From what I heard, it gets "easier". Now, I use the term "easier" a little lose in here cause I truly don't understand how can it get "easier" when your work double or triple in some cases. Time management will be the right word to use. I have to learn to divide my time in buckets and move from one to another. Need to look for inspiration though.

I decided that the best to get inspired is to look for other moms' opinions and recommendations. I see the beginning of something good. Maybe a book, maybe this blog could serve the purpose for "Chronicle of a New Mom: The First Two Years."

Let it begin.